
This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Leftovers have been much more palatable since the widespread adoption of the microwave oven. There is nothing like a bunch of overstimulated water molecules to convert cold leftovers into a warm lunch or dinner the next day.   The SECURE 2.0 Act which…

Calendar Quirks

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   The calendar likely ranks as one of the items we are most likely to take for granted. It provides an effortless structure and predictable rhythm for our lives. But that has not always been the case.   On Monday we celebrate President’s Day…

Trial Balloon

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   On Saturday, January 28, the military identified a large balloon north of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. It peacefully floated southeast across the North Pacific Ocean into Canada, and by last Tuesday reached the Idaho/Montana border.   The balloon then successfully and likely inadvertently captured…

Flip the Script

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Scene 1: Flush with abundant money provided by Congress and the Federal Reserve, consumers and traders celebrate an astounding recovery from the economic impact of a global pandemic and expectantly welcome an exciting new year by pushing stock prices to record highs.  …

The Drama Begins

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Here we are again. The drama. The finger pointing. The tension. The drama. Oh, the drama. Yes, the federal government must have maxed out its line of credit — again.   As much as the politicians would prefer to ignore it, the federal…

Dis Inflation

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Toward the end of last year, expert market prognosticators continued their tradition of revealing their forecasts for the financial markets for the following year.   While they are, in my opinion, about as useful as the always entertaining Farmer’s Almanac, many of these…


This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   A new year always bring some changes to your life.   Some of 2023’s changes will likely have little impact on your day-to-day life. For example, it is now legal (but still risky) to jaywalk in California, Mississippi has a catchy new state…

New Year

This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Early Sunday morning a brand-new year was born, full of high hopes and resolutions.   Every new year is a chance to put the past in the past, to look to the future with optimism, and to reflect on the changes that could…


This Week’s Blogger: Scott D. Heins, CFP®, IAG Chief Investment Officer   Christmas is coming! This is probably not news to you.   If you have young children, the excitement has been building since the calendar turned to December (and maybe even sooner). This is positive anticipation.   A blizzard is coming! This is probably…